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Inclusive Communication: Fundamental for Business Success

Getting important information out to each and every employee is a challenge many companies struggle to tackle. This can get infinitely trickier for large enterprises with outposts across the world. It is not just the different time zones one needs to take into account. There are also cultural differences, individual backgrounds, and contrasting viewpoints within any global organization.

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Getting important information out to each and every employee is a challenge many companies struggle to tackle. This can get infinitely trickier for large enterprises with outposts across the world. It is not just the different time zones one needs to take into account. There are also cultural differences, individual backgrounds, and contrasting viewpoints within any global organization.


The purpose of inclusive video communication is employee engagement

Your employees are by far your greatest asset. When management and supervisors are not present, it is each individual employee’s genuine commitment to the company, its mission and goals that makes or breaks the company’s strategy. In other words, the level of engagement each employee has with their work will ultimately lead to the company’s eventual success or demise.

Need some convincing?

Multiple studies have supplied concrete numbers to measure the impact of an engaged workforce across the enterprise:

  • 10-19 % increased sales
  • 14-29 % increased profits

And yet, a sheer 15% of employees worldwide were found to be engaged at work in a study conducted by Gallup for the State of the Global Workplace report. The disconnect between these numbers is astounding. So, while employee engagement proves to have a tangible correlation to profitability, only a select few companies take steps to measure and increase employee engagement.

A trend to be worried about for sure – and definitely a trend you do not want to follow.

What makes up inclusive video communication?

There are of course multiple things to consider when setting out to make your internal communication strategy inclusive. The following criteria are some of the most important.

An inclusive employee communication strategy:

  • Takes diversity into account
  • Includes both white-collar and blue-collar workers across the organization
  • Adapts to the audience by considering their geographic location
  • Takes private employee circumstances and obligations into account whenever possible, for example by making each piece of video communication available both live and on-demand
  • Aims to build trust by sharing both successes and failures, admitting when something goes wrong and what learnings to take from it