Real-time monitoring of your webcasting ecosystem performance throughout each live video event

Buffering, bandwidth constraints, and geographical quality disparities are common hurdles during live streaming. Hive's groundbreaking IT & Network Analytics is the only solution existing to-date that enables full insight into the performance of your entire webcasting ecosystem, allowing you to monitor the video stream in real time to promptly identify and locate any arising issues.

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Proactive live stream monitoring


Actionable troubleshooting insights


Site-specific issue analysis


Webcasting ecosystem anomaly discovery


Complete webcasting insight, beyond individual events

While this first release of IT & Network Analytics empowers you with actionable real-time data during live video events, our VX ambition doesn’t stop there. Over the coming months, this one-of-kind product will expand to cover all aspects of the webcasting ecosystem, including:

Detailed diagnostics, with insights to help evaluate and drive your webcasting strategy

Enhanced troubleshooting with automated webcasting anomaly detection

Single-click, ready-to-share reports with audience-tailored KPIs

Advanced benchmarking, including internal trends and industry standards

Available now

Granular stream performance visibility in real time

IT & Network Analytics gives you unprecedented access to a real-time visual dashboard that illuminates event Quality of Service (QoS) metrics such as video bitrates, CDN throughput, buffering instances, and more – all down to individual company site.

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Mitigate live video buffering and improve viewer experience

Optimize your network to eliminate congestion, buffering and other common streaming issues, ensuring uninterrupted video events.

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Optimize video quality across company sites

Identify regions experiencing issues and optimize accordingly, in real time. Ensure consistent, high-quality video across all sites, enhancing viewer satisfaction and audience retention.

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Troubleshoot quickly to prevent disruptions

Pinpoint exactly where things are going wrong in your webcasting ecosystem to help resolve each issue and ensure an unparalleled viewing experience for your global employee audience.

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Understand the root cause of streaming issues

Identify what exactly is causing known and emerging issues – including site-specific ones – and apply immediate fixes to remediate them in no time.

Monitor high-profile live events to spot the first signs of trouble

Gain a comprehensive bird's-eye view of all parts of your webcasting ecosystem, complete with their performance indicators. Dive deeper when you need to inspect specific components and explore further using our comprehensive evolving library of diagnostic data.

Your secret weapon for flawless live streaming in any scenario

In each of these scenarios, Hive’s IT & Network Analytics acts as a proactive guardian, allowing IT professionals to foresee potential issues, swiftly react to emerging problems, and implement targeted solutions to ensure seamless and uninterrupted live events. By leveraging Hive, disaster mitigation becomes a strategic, data-driven process, ensuring optimal technical performance and a positive experience for all stakeholders involved.

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Scenario 3

1. Preventing CDN overload during a major live event


You’re managing a live streaming event expected to attract a large employee audience. CDN congestion during such events could lead to buffering, stream interruptions, and ultimately, poor viewer experience.

How Hive helps
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Real-time network monitoring

Use our live visualization to monitor network traffic in real time.

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Identify early warning signs

Watch for signs of congestion or bandwidth limitations.

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Immediate action

Detect potential overload and proactively redistribute traffic across servers or CDN nodes to prevent network collapse.

2. Mitigating congestion at company sites with limited bandwidth


Your company is hosting a critical global webinar, and buffering issues could lead to disengagement and dissatisfaction among attendees in different regions.

How Hive helps
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Site-specific insights

Utilize the list of all participating sites to identify the one(s) experiencing issues.

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Localized content delivery

See where buffering is caused by site network congestion and improve stream configurations accordingly.

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Bandwidth redistribution

Allocate more resources to regions facing streaming issues to ensure a smooth experience for all viewers.

3. Ensuring the highest possible quality during critical events


You’re responsible for broadcasting a CEO Town Hall event where any disruptions could result in a backlash from upper management and employee viewers worldwide.

How Hive helps
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Proactive historical analysis

Use past event performance data to identify the best-performing stream configurations.

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Stream configuration

Proactively configure the stream to prevent service interruptions.

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On-the-fly adjustments

Make real-time adjustments based on Hive’s immediate insights to ensure continuously stable quality.

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Available now

Take immediate action with Control the Event

You can use another innovative VX product – Control the Event – alongside IT & Network Analytics to take immediate action when things go wrong during your live broadcast. 

Learn more about Control the Event